Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Assignment 1 - Reflection 3 - Week 4

Well, I start this week a little disappointed,  I logged on, went straight to my wikispace and was certain I would see additional discussion points on the Positive, Minus & Interesting points on Blogs....BUT.....no.... nata.... nothing. This was a great learning experience for me - I now know what to expect from my students - don't expect anything - they just may not be interested in the wikispace as much as I am. So with this in mind what I do know for sure is:

So, now that I have your attention are you ready to learn?

I can understand the belief that 'student video production include affective, metacognitive, higher order thinking, communication and presentation, literacy, organisation and teamwork and moviemaking skill development' are all great outcomes of MovieMaker as an ICT. However, I did find that I spent a considerable amount of 'time wasting' on the project.  Not to mention the time on technical support line at at CQ University, as the computer at the University did not have the required software.  Would I use this in an Accounting lesson? No. Why? Because I do not believe this is the best way to achieve learning gains. But, I do reserve the right to change my mind when I complete my Graduate Diploma of Learning and Teaching.

Students today are asked to balance a number of different activities and classroom learning has to compete with part-time jobs, extra-curricular activities, sporting and life/family commitments. Therefore, what we as teachers do in the classroom needs to engage students and empower them to become partners in their own learning. But how?

The answer, engage in meaningful, productive, interactive learning through ICT's.

I know from personal experience that finding time to keep updated with changes in taxation legislation was increasingly difficult. Reading materials was time consuming and mostly by the time they went to print, had significant changes. To overcome this I subscribed to various taxation podcasts - this allowed me to access information that I downloaded from the Internet onto a portable device and listen to whilst 'on the go' - mostly while driving, waiting at the dentist/doctors or mowing lawn.

For anyone new to Podcasting, this is for you:

Podcasts can allow classroom lessons to be recorded. The benefit of recording lessons or providing overviews of lessons enables students to:
  • Revise topics if they are struggling.
  • Allows self conscious students to ask or admit that they are unable to grasp the concepts being taught, after reviewing the materials provided on the podcast.
  • Catch up on a lesson missed, due to illness.
  • Assist with revision or examination preparation.
  • Assist students with reading difficulties (dyslexia).
And all this can occur whilst students are 'on the go' and 'out and about'.

Podcasts are a brilliant way of ensuring all students are included. Podcasting is one of the latest technological ways for Secondary Schools to provide easily accessible access to information for students to listen to if they are regularly absent from school due to physical impairment and/or undergoing medical treatment. The Disability Standards for Education 2005, Queensland Government and Department of Education and Training all emphasise that, students that have a disability have the right to education on the same basis as a student without a disability.

Utilising podcasts I can create a collaborative learning environment by asking students to prepare podcasts on topics that they find interesting, or request them to summarise topics for inclusion on the class's wikispace. By requesting students to create podcasts, it provides them with an opportunity to think about the topic and create a prolific, well thought out, succinct response - a highly regarded skill in the accounting profession.  

Whilst I was a student I was fortunate to be employed part time with an accounting firm, as a Trainee Accountant. Through this I gained valuable insight into the vast difference between what is taught in Secondary School/University and the 'real world'. While the basics are invaluable and scaffold your knowledge to begin your professional career and this cannot be overlooked in the learning environment. I would like to provide students with the opportunity to extend their knowledge and bridge the gap between school, university and employment and give them a 'taste of reality'. How can I do this? Podcasts. Taxpayers Australia Limited provide weekly tax wrap podcasts that highlight important issues to current issues in tax and super that they provide in 'light-hearted banter presented in a structured yet relaxed format'. 

Podcast do have limitations:
  • Without visual images it is easy to become distracted with things that are occurring around you.
  • If the person delivering the podcast has a monotone voice or  recording with 'white noise' then you can easily find yourself 'zoning out'.
  • If recordings are available of the classrooms lessons students may become disruptive as they can become reliant on knowing they can access the information at a later date.
  • Access to podcasts can be an issue if there is unreliable Internet connections - downloading can become time consuming.
  • Podcasts are not easy to search and can be time consuming.
  • Production of podcasts can become time consuming.  
  • Cannot be linked in a blog as a media file.
Last week we looked at a blog through the SAMR Model. Please review last weeks blog Assignment 1 - Reflection 2 - Week 3 for a detailed overview of the SAMR Model.

SAMR Model and Podcasts:

Rather than listen to an ATO update on DVD the class would listen to a podcast.

Search online for a podcast and listen to it in the classroom.

Students subscribe to a podcast on a weekly basis, download and listen to each week.

Students create plan, prepare and present a podcast on a weekly basis as a reflection tool and post on a wikispace as an examination reflection tool.

As the old saying goes:

Please head over to my wikispace for a PMI on Podcasts and include your thoughts.

I also spent a considerable amount of time preparing, practicing, recording and then rerecording a podcast in Audacity to enlighten you all with the one of the three principle objectives of accounting.  Audacity was very user friendly with excellent online tutorials.  However, due to technical issues (unreliable Internet - yes I can blame cyclone Marcia) my podcast would not initially load onto my wikispace.  This was frustrating and disappointing but when technology goes wrong - what do we as teachers have as a backup?  I did fortunately have a backup and drove to Yeppoon to use my mothers Internet.

The postcast is available for your listening on my wikispace as it is unable to be included into this blog. Enjoy the podcast.

Through ICT's in the classroom I have the ability to engage students in more creative and exciting ways. Although, I do need to be careful of any copyright laws when using text, images, videos and music. Teachers do have educational exceptions in the Copyright Act and it is important to understand what this actually entails.  Smartcopying - The Official Guide to Copyright Issues for Australian Schools and TAFE is an excellent website to grasp what is acceptable and not acceptable.

In this digital age I am very cautious of the information that is available about me on the Internet and for that reason have chosen not to upload any photographs of myself. I do have a Facebook page and regularly check the Internet on what is available when associated with my name. I am aware that each school that I attend during my practical experience will have a media policy in relation to students photographs being taken and used for assignments/classwork. I cannot stress enough to those who will become teachers - please make sure you understand what you are able to do with the students as a breach of this could potentially put a students life in danger. Check immediately before it goes online - a lot can change in one day.

This week has been very interesting and my view on ITC's is swaying - especially considering my technical issues. Within the classroom fellow students and I have been discussing YouTube videos we have been watching in other subjects with a common theme about engagement. A point that is frequently arising is the concept of making learning fun to ensure engagement with students. While it is our overall aim as teachers to achieve learning gains are we really preparing our students for life after school if everything we teach them has to be fun?

The teaching journey continues.



Taxpayers Australia Limited website:  www.taxpayer.com.au
     Latest podcast:  Episode 19 - Everything you need to know about Single Touch Payroll (so far)

Podcasting FAQ:
     Podcasting tools:  resource for podcasting

Movie Maker:

Copyrighting - An Educational Resource:


Tax Wrap Podcast.  Accessed: 30/03/2015.  Retrieved from:

Digital Tool 2:  Digital Video.  Accessed: 30/03/2015.  Retrieved from:

Digital Tool 5:  Podcasting.  Accessed: 30/03/2015.  Retrieved from:

Digital Tool 4:  Images.  Accessed:  30/03/2015.  Retrieved from:

All Images:  Google Source

All Video:  Made by JRay

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